Tag Archives: billing

The Driving Force Behind the Rise in B2B SaaS Subscription Billing

Subscription billing has become the primary way for SaaS companies to bring in revenue, and for good reason. Subscription billing simplifies the customer journey, improves the user experience, and allows you to better manage your business by reducing overhead costs. This vertical has been growing like wildfire thanks to many factors that make it an ideal model for software companies looking to raise capital or expand their reach. However, before you get into how this trend has affected B2B companies and what it means for your business, let’s take a look at how subscription billing has evolved in recent years.

Subscription billing simplifies the customer journey

Subscription billing is a way to simplify the customer journey. It allows you to offer customers one-off payments, a monthly or annual payment, and even cancel at any time without penalty. This can be useful if you’re looking to attract more customers through …